Accessibility declaration
Knihovny regionu České Budějovice undertakes to make the website available in accordance with the law Act No 99/2019 Coll., on the accessibility of websites and mobile applications and on amending Act No 365/2000 Coll., on public administration information systems and on amendments to other actswithin the conditions of >Directive (EU) 2016/2102 of the European Parliament and of the Councilfrom .
This statement applies to the website
Compliance status
This website is intended to comply with the law Act No 99/2019 Coll., on the accessibility of websites and mobile applications and on amending Act No 365/2000 Coll., on public administration information systems and on amendments to other acts.
Preparation of this accessibility statement
This statement was prepared on .
The method of self-assessment performed was used to prepare this statement.
The statement has been revised .
Feedback and contact details
We are constantly working to make this site accessible to all users without any problems. If you encounter any problem, please let us know. Please use e-mail to communicate suggestions, observations or information about problems with the display of these pages The site administrator is Cosmotron Slovakia, s.r.o..
Law enforcement procedures
In the event that you have not been provided with an answer or the answer provided is inadequate or unsatisfactory in connection with your request or notification regarding the accessibility of the website or web application, contact the appropriate law enforcement authority:
The Ministry of the Interior of the Czech Republic, Department of eGovernmentnáměstí Hrdinů 1634/3,
140 21 Praha 4
Czech Republic